Kenny, Becky, and Micah

Our Family's Page

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

potty training chronicles......

Yep... you heard it! Little man turned 17 months today... he is really interested in the potty (and Elmo... and Dora.... and cookies...) so we decided... let's try to potty train!

We're trying the 3-day training's going okay so far... I guess if you like picking poo and pee up off the floor. On the bright side he has at least made it into the toilet the past two days about 10 times =)
 So.... the 3 day method: a lot of people have been asking me what it is and how to do it so I decided I would post what it is (and our daily updates on here)...

It's actually a 3 month dedicated process.. .but the first 3 days are the biggest and craziest of them all!

Rule number 1: keep baby without a diaper on whenever at home... when travelling in car or playing outside, don't use a diaper, but use just shorts/pants over bare bottom =) (this is interesting I must say....)

Rule number 2: Don't Quit!!! There are LOTS of accidents at the beginning, but don't give up as this is the foundation to the future training. we just completed day 2...having a naked little guy running around the house exposing his bare bottom is amusing enough..... until you have a naked little guy running around the house and leaving (and falling in, and touching, and playing with) puddles of pee he left all over...)

Day 1 went great! Micah actually went potty in the little potty 6 times.... 4 times he hopped on and initiated going potty all on his own (the other times was just hit or miss... he would be going potty on the floor and saying uh-oh and I would scoop him up and sit him on the potty to finish his business... fun.. i know.

Day 2.... not as well.. but still okay... He went potty about 4 times on the potty. His favorite part of this whole process is proudly carrying his potty filled with his pee to the big toilet, emptying it out and flushing the toilet and proudly saying "bye bye pee pee!!!" he loves it. Hey... at least i won't have to worry about him not wanting to flush the toilet when he gets older ;)

The not so fun about today's day 2..... I decided being cooped up all day long in the house was no fun for either of us.. and frankly, i was tired of sitting on the hard floor next to a toilet all day long.,. so I brought my little bare-bottomed baby outside onto the deck, brought his potty out, and let him run!
(the good news.... if he went pee on the deck, all i had to do to clean it up was spray with the hose....
the not so-good news...frankly-nasty-news.... he ended up peeing 3 times on the deck and pooping once).. nasty. Thank goodness i'm in third trimester and not 1st anymore..not sure how my stomach would have handled that fun goodness of picking up poo from the deck. ugh. So... not sure if he is ready for outside time but whatev... at least it was easy to clean off... ! Heck.. micah was easy to clean off too! After I sprayed the deck down, I turned the hose on him and cleaned him off too (as he had become fascinated with the wet and poo spots on the deck (ugh))...

so that ends day 2.

I ended up buying him some training pants (unfortunately they had non Elmo ones so not sure if these will do or not)... and bought him Elmo stickers!
Hoping a reward system with his favorite super-hero friend, that good old red fuzzy monster will help to encourage him to be excited to go on the potty again tomorrow...

I'm serious , the neighbors must have a blast watching a 7 month pregnant woman waddle quickly after her naked son all day long and toss him onto a potty as he sprays the floor. ...
hoping for a better tomorrow.....

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